Brides, Bibles and Believers

Greetings to all my friends and family. I have been blessed to have a family like the Cecil Wise family as in-laws. Although I was not permitted to know him before his death, I have benefited by knowing his daughter, Christine for 31 years now as my wife on August 13. I have been blessed!

And now knowing his oldest daughter is another special treat. Mary Davis has always in heart been a lover of the souls of people. She has witnessed to thousands in more than 40 annual summertime fairs in OHIO. Now she has, in retirement, gone to the mission field of greatest need without argument. She is helping! In Haiti she has, since 2014, personally led multiple hundreds to the King of Kings.

She is bringing wedding garments to encourage Brides there.

She is bringing Bibles there, starting with New Testaments.

She is bringing to masses of people the Gospel starting with the city of over 125,000, Les Cays, in a citywide campaign November 1-2, 2019. It is being organized through a network of Baptist churches among whom she has challenged the pastors to get a vision of the cities of Haiti.

Should we not earnestly pray for them?

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